Consultancy Services

Managing Warehouse
Warehouse Management and Logistic needs have become more critical to manufacturing business world over. It is time you take competitive advantage of ShazinGlobal services.
It is a challenge as in today’s competitive business environment you are under constant pressure to reduce various costs without sacrificing service quality. Distribution and warehousing cost is one of them. You need a flexible logistic solution where your distribution cost gets reduced. What if you are able to save costs while maintaining the perfect balance between costs & services?
The conventional approach is to expand your facilities like transport fleet, warehouses, equipment etc., and manage all service issues on your own. But, there is a downside to it. You have to incur large capital investment, high fixed infrastructure costs, administration, inventory control, warehouse management systems and worker training and/or managing multiple logistics providers.
We have a proven alternative and a flexible solution is already in place. It is ShazinGlobal and it’s shared warehouse network. ShazinGlobal is a leading total logistics solution provider can achieve economies on your behalf, leveraging it‘s warehouse infrastructure across multiple customers. This enables you to reduce costs by sharing space, sharing integrated IT systems, sharing labour, sharing equipments and other over heads. Utilizing ShazinGlobal’s infrastructure & warehousing facilities means never having to invest in another dedicated warehouse system or hiring other space, staff or trying to keep up other improving practices. You can focus on what you do the best that is manufacturing and selling product.
ShazinGlobal manages your inventory in their shared warehouse very close to your customer and gives you flexible distribution system to respond faster and more efficiently to new & changing markets.

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Our team is always ready to help you anytime. Please connect us on:
Customer Support: +91 9394942424
Warehouse: +91 9998211827
Head Office: +91 9265640141

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